Silent Power

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WARRANTY, Delivery and Refund policy :


Silent power provides a Five years warranty on the solar panel, One year warranty for motor and electrical components applies to the new unit components only. All stand-alone replacement parts will have a one year warranty from the date of the invoice.

Scope of the warranty

  1. The warranty period starts on the date of the invoice and ends on the same day in the same month 5 years later for the solar panel, and one year later for the electrical components. It covers material, design and manufacturing faults.
  2. The warranty lapses immediately when modifications are introduced, repairs are done or disruptions resolved without prior express permission from Silent Power.

Condition for the validity of the warrant is that the products.

  1. are used according to the application specifications are fitted with the power supply (DC power only < 270 w), cables and connectors recommended by Silent Power.
  2. are installed and put into operation by a certified electro technical company according to the applicable assembly instructions and the installation conforms to the norms for electrical installations applicable in the country in question.
  3. are handled according to the maintenance instructions if such instructions are given in the assembly instructions.
  4. are not exposed to unusual circumstances including the electricity that is supplied, such as excessive surges, supply pollution, too high or too low voltages, ripple voltage that lies under or above the specific limits of the products that were set with regard to the standards for electricity supply.
  5. the warranty only covers failure of the products caused by demonstrable material, design and manufacturing faults and that exceeds the average nominal failure rate.


Our Delivery team will deliver the product within 72 hours’ maximum.

Refund Policy:

  1.  Please choose carefully, No refund will be made if you change your mind after purchase.
  2. Refund/Exchange does not apply to any of our products.

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Ready to update your water cooling & lighting system with Silent Power?

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